The Equalitas standard was established in 2015 with the aim of bringing together companies in the wine industry according to a shared certification scheme that is objective and verifiable by a third party, through a progressive path of continuous improvement that considers the three pillars of sustainability.

– The Environmental Pillar refers to the protection of the ecosystem and aims to ensure the availability, quality, and renewal of natural resources.

– The Economic Pillar corresponds to the ability of an economic system to generate income and employment in the long term.

– The Social Pillar represents the ability of a company to ensure a fair distribution of well-being conditions towards employees, suppliers, and the territory.

The standard sets out objective and verifiable requirements for each of the three pillars through the definition of “good practices”: for cellar, social, economic/environmental; and “environmental indicators”: water footprint, carbon footprint and biodiversity.

The standard applies to the entire wine supply chain and its different production realities, and allows for three types of certification:

– for the company (Organization standard).

– for the finished product (Product standard).

– for the territory (Territory standard).

To delve deeper into these topics, please refer to the contact information provided on this website.